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kdb+ supports websockets and so HTML5 GUIs can be built. We have incorporated a set of server side and client side utilities to ease HTML GUI development.

kdb+ Utilities

The server side utilities are contained in html.q. These utilise some community code, specifically json.k and a modified version of u.q, both from Kx Systems. The supplied functionality includes:

  • json.k provides two way conversion between kdb+ data structures and JSON;

  • u.q is the standard pub/sub functionality provided with kdb+tick, and a modified version is incorporated to publish data structures which can be easily interpreted in JavaScript;

  • functions for reformatting temporal types to be JSON compliant;

  • page serving to utilise the inbuilt kdb+ webserver to serve custom web pages. An example would be instead of having to serve a page with a hardcoded websocket connection host and port, the kdb+ process can serve a page connecting back to itself no matter which host or port it is running on.

JavaScript Utilities

The JavaScript utilities are contained in kdbconnect.js. The library allows you to:

  • create a connection to the kdb+ process;

  • display the socket status;

  • sending queries;

  • binding results returned from kdb+ to updates in the webpage.


All communication between websockets and kdb+ is asynchronous. The approach we have adopted is to ensure that all data sent to the web browser is encoded as a JSON object containing a tag to enable the web page to decipher what the data relates to. The format we have chosen is for kdb+ to send dictionaries of the form:


All the packing can be done by .html.dataformat. Please note that the temporal types are converted to longs which can easily be converted to JavaScript Date types. This formatting can be modified in the formating dictionary .html.typemap.

q)a:flip `minute`time`date`month`timestamp`timespan`datetime`float`sym!enlist each (09:00; 09:00:00.0;.z.d; `month$.z.d; .z.p; .z.n;.z.z;20f;`a)
q).html.dataformat["start";(enlist `tradegraph)!enlist a]
name| "start"
data| (,`tradegraph)!,+`minute`time`date`month`timestamp`timespan`datetime`float`sym!(,32400000;,32400000;,1396828800000;,1396310400000;,"2014-04-07T13:23:01Z";,48181023;,"2014-04-07T13:23:01Z";,20f;,`a)
q)first (.html.dataformat["start";(enlist `tradegraph)!enlist a])[`data;`tradegraph]                                                                                     
minute   | 32400000
time     | 32400000
date     | 1396828800000
month    | 1396310400000
timestamp| "2014-04-07T13:23:01Z"
timespan | 48181023
datetime | "2014-04-07T13:23:01Z"
float    | 20f
sym      | `a

We have also extended this structure to allow web pages to receive data in a way similar to the standard kdb+tick pub/sub format. In this case, the data object looks like:

`name`data!("upd";`tablename`tabledata!(`trade;([]time:09:00 09:05 09:10; price:12 13 14)))

This can be packed with .html.updformat:

name| "upd"
data| `tablename`tabledata!(`trade;+`minute`time`date`month`timestamp`timespan`datetime`float`sym!(,32400000;,32400000;,1396828800000;,1396310400000;,"2014-04-07T13:23:01Z";,48181023;,"2014-04-07T13:23:01Z";,20f;,`a))
minute   | 32400000
time     | 32400000
date     | 1396828800000
month    | 1396310400000
timestamp| "2014-04-07T13:23:01Z"
timespan | 48181023
datetime | "2014-04-07T13:23:01Z"
float    | 20f
sym      | `a

To utilise the pub/sub functionality, the web page must connect to the kdb+ process and subscribe for updates. Subscriptions are done using


Publications from the kdb+ side are done with[`tablename;tabledata]

On the JavaScript side the incoming messages (data events) must be bound to page updates. For example, there might be an initialisation event called “start” which allows the web page to retrieve all the initial data from the process. The code below redraws the areas of the page with the received data.

/* Bind data - Data type "start" will execute the callback function */
  // Check that data is not empty
  if(data.hbtable.length !== 0)
   // Write HTML table to div element with id heartbeat-table
   { $("#heartbeat-table").html(MONITOR.jsonTable(data.hbtable));}
  if(data.lmtable.length !== 0)
   // Write HTML table to div element with id logmsg-table
   { $("#logmsg-table").html(MONITOR.jsonTable(data.lmtable));}  
  if(data.lmchart.length !== 0)
   // Log message error chart
   { MONITOR.barChart(data.lmchart,"logmsg-chart","Error Count","myTab"); }

Similarly the upd messages must be bound to page updates. In this case, the structure is slightly different:

  if(data.tabledata.length===0) return;
  if(data.tablename === "heartbeat")
    { $("#heartbeat-table").html(MONITOR.jsonTable(data.tabledata));}
  if(data.tablename === "logmsg")
    { $("#logmsg-table").html(MONITOR.jsonTable(data.tabledata));}
  if(data.tablename === "lmchart")
    { MONITOR.barChart(data.tabledata,"logmsg-chart","Error Count","myTab"); }

To display the WebSocket connection status the event “ws_event” must be bound and it will output one of these default messages: “Connecting...”, “Connected” and “Disconnected” depending on the connection state of the WebSocket. Alternatively the value of the readyState attribute will determine the WebSocket status.

// Select html element using jQuery
var $statusMsg = $("#status-msg");  
  // Data is the default message string
KDBCONNECT.core.websocket.readyState // Returns 1 if connected.

Errors can be displayed by binding the event called “error”.

  $statusMsg.html("Error - " + data);


A basic example is provided with the Monitor process. To get this to work, u.q from kdb+tick should be placed in the code/common directory to allow all processes to publish updates. It should be noted that this is not intended as a production monitoring visualisation screen, moreso a demonstration of functionality. See section monitorgui for more details.

Further Work

Further work planned includes:

  • allow subscriptions on a key basis- currently all subscribers receive all updates;

  • add JavaScript controls to allow in-place updates based on key pairs, and scrolling window updates e.g. add N new rows to top/bottom of the specified table;

  • allow multiple websocket connections to be maintained at the same time.